City Buses in Buenos Aires

Use the map to search for city buses
  1. Click where you are
  2. Click where you want to go
You can drag the markers
to adjust your search.
Other option: search by address
Show the route of:

How to use the map?

Using the map to search for bus lines is easy: just click on the map where you would like to start the trip, and then click where you need to go. As a result you get a list of bus lines which drive by close to the selected points.

The chosen origin and destination will be marked on the map. If you would like to change the position of the markers you can drag them around while keeping the left mouse button pressed.

Another way to search for city buses is to enter an address for origin and destination. In order to use this option you should first click on "search by address" on the left side of the screen. We suggest to enter addresses specifying the name of the street, the house number, and the neighborhood. However it is also possible to enter points of interest of the city, e.g. squares, parks, train stations, monuments, buildings etc. It is always a good idea to add the name of the neighborhood or area in order to avoid ambiguities in the results.

The bus lines showing up as search results are ordered according to their closeness to the point of departure and arrival. In the first spot you will find the bus line that drives by the nearest, although it is advisable to check out the following results as well to compare the different options.

Included bus lines

The search engine includes the routes of all city buses that pass through the city of Buenos Aires. The lines are identified by numbers between 1 and 200, since these are the lines that operate within the limits of the city or between the city and Greater Buenos Aires. Many of these lines have a large part of their routes within Greater Buenos Aires, but always a part of the route passes through the city (Capital Federal).

All of the branches ("ramales") in both directions of every bus line are included. Please note that the provincial buses with numbers between 200 and 750 are not included, given that these lines operate in the province of Buenos Aires without entering the city.

Branch lines

In the search results only a representative branch of each bus line is shown. In order to see the routes for all the branches of the same line you need to click on the link "branches" of the desired line, and a new page will open up with a list of all the different branches that are operated by this bus line.

The branches that connect the chosen points of origin and destination will be selected in the list and shown on the map. The other branches which are not suitable for the chosen trip also appear on the list, but are not selected and not shown on the map. You can visualize the routes of all branches by changing the selection in the list of branches.

In general the branches are identified by an initial letter followed by a short description. The letter is the official denomination that identifies the route in legal publications, although in practice it is often not shown by the bus lines. The short description serves to identify the branch and should be similar to the label of the small signs that are typically exhibited close to the front of the buses.


If you have a suggestion or would like to make a comment we invite you to contact us, so that we can improve our service and keep all information updated.

Thank you for your interest in our service.

  • Email:
  • Mail: Omnilineas S.A., Maipu 459 10°D, 1006 Capital Federal

At the moment our search tool for city buses is available for the following cities: